Sunday, December 31, 2006

yiyuan & mee. (:

shiyu & mee. (:

brods & me. (:

Brods on stage =)

The left behind..

The moment of 2007.

me & luying.

me & taiyang.

luying stop acting pretty wahahas xD

we r just being silly.. haha.

face to the right & smile :D

luying,taiyang,meee (:

stick ur tounge out :P

Charlotte ~!

Mr bean?? veri familiar? haha,its atually the soya bean cartoon :D
Hey guys,now the clock reads 1.18am & i am still blogging? haha. i am blogging.
Is not the past 2006 entry animore,its the latest first blog entry in 2007 1st jan (:
wootsss ~
I went out wif charlotte at yesterday afternoon,
sounds weird where atually it happens on the same day lahh.
Cuz i went out in the afternoon & atnite went to countdown.
Time past fast ehh?
We together meet out to complete our hols assingment,
and yeahh i finally finish up my set 3 maths algebra :DD
I met yiping on the waee too,and she told me she is gonna go home after doing his hols assingment at hougang mall.
Hahahaha,everyone seems to be last min then complete one uh =x
Alrite,i reached first and i went to popular to get my stationary..
&& later charlotte called me and we met in popular.
We crapped all along i can sae??
And we started to do our hols assignment..
we help each other & we r being real serious.
And i am realli happi to complete my 3rd set of maths algebra..
after completing our homework ;
we went to take neoprints of cuz.
Then we proceed to popular cuz charlotte wanted to buy comics books for her cousins??
& since we see the ''q'' is soo long..
we decided not to ''q'' animore but proceed to comics connection to buy my sweets.
While,after dat both of us seperate and went home.
Atnite,went back to hougang mall for countdown celebration? hahaa.
I invited luying & taiyang to come along..
isn't dat boring if u went for countdown alone?
I need some frens to make me laugh.
I went out around 10+pm?
Yupps,and i met luying and i keep on bullying her lahh.
& she is a little bit sick,flu~!
Haha,but who cares.
Then taiyang came and we went to sweet talk to buy bubble tea.
And i am soo glad that i manage to invite the 2 of them since luying is coming back to singapore..
and i dun wan her to go back on 6 jan x'(
I am dam worried dat taiyang cannot come & join us in hougang mall..
cuz of his dad lahh,didn't return the missed calls.
But atlast his uncle goin to go to her dad office,then also remind his dad to return back calls.
And i am so shock whereby taiyang can come out like 10+pm until 12.30+am
hahaha ; thanks to her dad =)
I tink dat today the hougang mall is completely abnormal..
wad i means is dere were lots of people dere waiting for 2007 to arrived ;
&& a lot of shops r not closed yet until bout 12--1am..
it seems veri veri crowded & fun :D
We crapped all along,we shouted,we play,we hit each other,we pinch taiyang's face.
And dat luying get one 50 dollar note just for one bubble tea drink..
&& she dun wanna treat mee.
Then we took some pictures..
and we sat down and watch some people singing ; they r frm those music clinic.
Then after dat we laughed like mad cuz of silly stuff..
and we 3 shouted together and everyone look at us.
Then after dat had performance by yiyuan & kenneth frm campus superstar..
and brods frm superband (: left wif 20seconds to 2007.
Everyone stand up,and each and everyone had some party poppers on their hands..
and all being prepared.
Left wif 10 seconds,everyone count together and yea.. 2007 !!!!
Ballons scattered down frm the sky..
party poppers POP POP POP the sound & the colourful paper flying on the air..
people stepping ballons to let it BURST.
Can see dat everyone is enjoying themself lah =D
After the whole event ended,
we went to macs to sit down.
Then i reached home around 1+am?
i will definetly miss those times we had..
and luying is gonna leave us veri soon :(
Today had such a great fun.
Oh well,
i manage to take foto wif :
`` brods -- superband(:
``yiyuan--campus superstar(:
``shiyu--project superstar(:
Thursday, December 28, 2006

christmas greeting card :D

black & white chocolates.

mint,bitter chocolates.

dark chcolates.
Alrite,4 days didn't blogged.
Cuz nth much happened,so i didn't blogged.
hahahaa,sorri for the last update alrite (:
While firstly is to thanked my christmas presents :D
My sis for giving me 3 box of dark chocolates..
&& liyan for the christmas greeting card.
Ok,veri few presents tis yr cuz i didn't celebrate.
Alrite,the yr 2007 is coming.
I realli hope it will be a nice & brand new yr..
gonna be real busy wif the new sec 1s.
-What are your grandparents names?
Is dat some kinda private? hahha,aniwae i dun call them by i dun realli noe their names too ~!
-If you were born the oppositesex,would you have been a homosexual?
-If your mum chased you out of your house,where would you go?
Grandma hse,frens hse, street? who noes?
-Ever liked anyone that it hurt so bad?
hmmmm..dun tink so.
-Which friend of your's do you think needs a personality makeover?
None of them.
-How about tic,tac,toe?
I dun play dat game lahh,its sooo soo lame =x
-If you had to choose between noodles and rice,which would you go for?
Rice please (:
-Someone thinks your cute,what do you do?
Knock my head & say a thankyou ; thick-skinned uhh ? :D
-When someone you're disgusted withis in love with you,what will you do?
I will tell the person straightforward dat he or she is completely disgusting.
-How if God never really existed?
I wnt be in tis world & i may not be blogging now.
-Three things you would wanna change about ur past?
``my psle results.
``my pimples ( for not taking care of my face last time )
``naughty,being disrespectful.
-Are you a nice person or are you faking it?
If u noes me well,u will find out dat i am a realli nice person.
But if u hates mee,u will tink dat i am faking me ; hate me ; u decide.
-Do you pretend to like people you dont like?
I dun pretend unless i am realli desperate for sth.
-If the sun didnt rise one day,what will you do?
Shout,scream, or just simply ignored it & i am wondering how the world will look like.
-Are you interested in a net friend?
Mayb cuz not all net fren are bad lahh,some r realli good xD
-Are you hot tempered and bitchy?
Guy bitchy? *hmms* well,i am not a hot tempered guy.
-Does your parents love you?
Of cuz,which parents don't love their son/daughter?
-Your friends?
They r the best ; especially pri sku mates.
-What do they think about you?
No idea..
-What were you suppose to be doing right now?
Nothing,doing wadever stuff i like since sku is gonna reopen.. ENJOY (:
Sunday, December 24, 2006

The kiss goodbye.

The last post.

hi-5 we did a great job (:

They r high up on the stage,we r high watching them singing too xD

A great performance put up by them.

dance dance dance (:


see the head dere? dat is atually superstar blogger angie's head ! lol.

singing time. =)

I love smiley faces (:

nat & daren.


nat facing my camera * winks *

angie ; superstar blogger.

top 10 male contestants.

top 10 female contestants.

peifeng :DD

nat , michelle , lesheng.

nat & michelle.

top 10 poster (:

tounge out :P

Liyan & mee.
Went to superstar roadshow today (:
Met up wif liyan and we headed to kovan to take bus to bugis.
Chatted & crapped a lot on the way..
the bus came but sadly dere is a lot of people in the bus ;
we had no choice but to stand up.
But later,gort both seats dat are blank cuz the passenger alr alight at a stop.
So we went and have a seat. hahaa.
Reached bugis fountain area,
some people alr sit dere and prepare to wait for superstar to arrived.
We scared dat later too mani people & we gort to stand.
So me and liyan decided to go and sit down on the floor.
We r like the first second row lor..
then we start to take pics.
A moment later, the superstar bus arrived & everyone started to shout and scream and all stand up.
And when nat goin to go to the backstage,
i wave to him and he wave back to mee.
OMGGGG, the feeling is super shiock.
Last time on 9dec orchard roadshow he walked pass me ok !
Peifeng,the 933 dj came and host.
I am like so angry of one guy standing behind mee..
he is behing real shameless in public cuz he is shouting like realli loud and mad.
And he is like so fat & my ear is seriously gonna burst.
I feel like scolding him lahh,cuz is like dam bloody idiotic.
While i tink the people who went to the roadshow all is like being irritated by him,
but atleast they r a few distance awae but i am just infront of him.
Forget it, aniwaee peifeng is pretty ok :DD
I am real excited to see nat the 3rd time again !
hahaha. =)
Peifeng had some questions for the audience to answer and the prize is superstar card album.
It is selling at 7-11,popular bookstore or wadevr lahh,it cost like $9.90 if i am not wrong.
Then i noe the answer but the guy infront of me say it out.
He alr have one superstar album brought my himself and then he snatch my question and get one more free album.
Like so selfish lah !
Alrite,the female contestants is ready and went up to the stage.
People shouting,screaming again (:
Then they started to tell us wad they did during the past few days like vocal traning & blahsblahs.
Then they had planned one christmas song and wanted one audience to go up to the stage & sing. !
If can sing then can get goodie bag as prize.
Then after dat is male contestants turn to go up to the stage (:
Everybody is shouting nat,darren an mani mani more..
And then the same thing goes.
They planned one christmas song,and guest wad?
The title is LAST CHRISTMAS ; and dats my blog song ok !
I onli noe a few line and i didn't wanted to go up to the stage and embarrassed myself up dere.
muhahaass xD
Then i see some '' fans '' shouting nat and nat face their camera and they take pictures.
So i decided to give it a try,
i shout & shout & shout but nat cnt hear.
but my hardwork paid off.. heheheeeeeee.
Nat heard it and face my camera and i SHOT IT.
And when nat is on the stage,i shouted his name again & he wave to me again !
Aniwaee,i met superstar blogger angie too.
She is like just infront of mee.. xD
Then later all top 10 superstars perform :DD
And the whole thing just ended.
After dat follow liyan go sell her poly book cuz she dun need it animore.
She brought the books like $20 ++
But when she wanted to sell we go 2 shops and the price is $1 and $2.
Like wtf ???
Like dat dun sell better lahh,
i advice her to gave it to other people to help them or sell it half of the price to other people,
cuz now adays people wann second hand poly books cuz poly books is expensive.
Or mayb just keep it as reference cuz we didn't noe dat nxt time she may need it.
Not worth it lah cuz she brought it for so expensive and then ended up is just $1 and $2.
After dat we decided to go home..
i take bus 80 and she take 133.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
FRIDAY ( 22/12/06 )

The moments...

smiley us (:

Where's miss ida eyes? HAHAHA.
Went to sku for sec 1 registeration for ushering.
Slept at thursday around 12am imediately after superstar result show.
Wake up at around 5.45am..
being prepared and headed to sku.
Sat in canteen for instruction and then we start to take blazer.
Teachers giving us advice whereby don't walk around in CLIPS..
it looks unprofessional & parents dun like it.
So we spread ourself and when parents walked in the sku,
we will just walk towards them and asked them if we could help.
Our area is canteen ,
so we need to help them find their sec 1 klass,bring them to their klass counter to take ''q'' number and to bring them to the hall.
At around 10am+ starting to have no parents ,
we keep on walking so is like our legs is super tiring.
Thats when we can sat down and rest.
A moment later..
me & my frens walk around in a CLIPS cuz dere is no parents.
So we went up to the hall for air-con ((((:
And we walk around in the hall..
when everything is settled,
we helped to stack up chairs & to bring stuff down to general office.
At that time onli veri little people helping out..
so after i went down to general office and went up to the hall,
So me and my frens start to complain and we dun wanna help animore ;
since we alr help so much before they came :D
While..we took fotos wif miss ida too [:
Miss ida is completely crazy wif me and benjamin.
The whole thing ended up early as we thought.
Have debrief , went home around 11am +
SATURDAY( 23/12/06 )
Slept yesterday at 1 going to 2am.
I seriously dunoe y,but i woke up at 7+am.
weird uhh ~!
Then have breakfast wif mom at 9am in coffee shop.
After having breakfast..
we went to grandma hse =))
Afternoon went heartland to cut my hair cuz i wanted a new hairstyle.
I dun wan my current hair,cuz i tink is quite sickening.
So i went to cut my hair SPIKY =)
Will update my foto tmr alrite..
i simply love my hair lahh as well as the barber.
Cuz it noes dat i am nervous mayb my face expression or sth..
then she keeps on communicate wif me and joke wif me while cutting my hair.
I like their service lahh..
Alritee,i have nth much to update.
Tmrr i will update on christmas eve of superstar roadshow.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I don't have much fotos but i am still gonna upload it :)

Aaron & mee.

Oh man. tis is nice =D

isn't dat great? haha.
Hey i am back guys.
I noe all of u r missing me much,hahaha.
While i am gonna blogged bout my camp.
Wake up quite early in the morning.
Being prepared and went to sku..we sit in canteen for instruction.
A moment later,we went to register our names and to draw our camp group.
Sadly, all of us r divided into different grp x'(
Ok..then we went down to basement to have workshops.
Knowing our sku mission and vision and etc etc..
and also knowing which position shld student leader will be standing while tis coming sec 1 registeration and our klass rearrangement.
We also had planned some games and cheers for sec 1 klasses..
and to prepare them frm sec 1 orientation.
We also had played other grps prepare the game for sec try out i can sae?
And fun :D
Gort one game whereby we need to hold our hands in patterns in one circle as if it is tangled.
And we need to use our brains on how to let it untangled and when finished it our hand is still joined together wif other grp members.
We tried & tried & tried,and dat moment when we finish it everyone shouted
bcuz i tink the satisfaction is overwhelming.
Alrite,time for lunch.
Went to kovan to have my lunch dere while is drizzling but no ones seems to care..
Everyone is just walking under the rain.
While for dinner,i also went outside the sku to eat.
Oh man, is like i am so lucky; when i came back its drizzling and dere is nth much to worried bout whereby i will get drenched..
but then after dat dere is like dam heavy rain and people after dat who walked in is drenched.
Have workshops,supper,sleep [:
------ end of day 1------
Day 2:
We sleep late but we woke up dam early.
Assemble at canteen at 7.30am and we woke up at 5.45am.
Quite cold cuz its raining the whole day on DAY 1 and is like atnite also raining.
Have morning exercise at the dat a torture?
For ncc cadets i tink is just a small little ants or sth..
but for we tis normal people,is hard though.
Hafiz who is leading the whole morning exercise is a ncc cadets.
We jog bout 2 -- 3 round around the hall..
jumping jack 25 times and repeated like 1 -- 2 time cuz people is not doing well.
And to raise our legs 45 degree straight and must hold on air for bout 15sec..
and we started to do situps in dat kind of position -.-
Have breakfast and went down for workshops i tink..
and to planned our camp fire performance on day 2.
We have a skit,everyone is doing a skit.
And we last min noe need to go down to basement for audition,if pass nth happened.
But fail need to re-do the whole thing.
Oh man,is like so strict.
Out of 9 grps like onli 2 grps passed,others failed ( including mine )
So we re-edit the whole thing and dats where everyone starts to be dam serious..
even the crapping ones in my grp is not crapping and helping each and everyone.
Alrite,then have dinner and we started our campfire at 7pm.
Seniors,ex-student joined us too ((:
Oh man ; the camp fire in the hall is definetly great.
The candles forming like a shape and it lights up the whole entire hall.
And we sing song together,perform together and etc etc.
We have friendship dance..
Everytime our dance partner will change,as if we need to have a half turn-around.
And when turn around u will have a new partner (:
And we dun even care male or female,we just hold hand and dance and sing.
Imagine having a big grp of prefects,teachers,ex-student dancing around the candles..
the feeling is like veri warm and nice hanging out wif them.
The camp fire ended like 11pm..
have debrief,lights off (:
------ end of day 2------
Day 3:
As usual,have breakfast.
Then we have one feedback session,everyone is giving their comments and feedback.
Teachers gave us their observation and comments too [;
We also had tis area cleaning session whereby we r split into grps to go and clean up the area.
And we have the last song and dance.
And home sweet home ~
everyone is dimmissed.
------ end of day 3------
Saturday, December 16, 2006
WHAT WAS... (taken from jmo's blog.)
-The last movie you watched?
Open season (:
-The last song you listened to?
Shi xin hui : taipei to beijing.
-The last book you read?
I never touch books since holidays =X
-The last thing you ate?
Chocolates !
-The last thing you drank?
Pink dolphin ( more than 8 mnths didn't touch it , i miss it so much can ! finally have the chance to taste it~!)
-The last scent you smelled?
Fried rice.
-The last dessert you ate?
Soya bean chocolate pancake.
-The last thing you fell over?
Never never !
-The last picture you took?
Superstar pic at lime sonic bang event.
-The last person you kissed?
-The last person you hugged?
I dunoe ; no one.
-The last person you talked to?
My dad. hahaha. (:
-The last person who made you cry?
Currently no.
-The last person who made you laugh?
Taiyang,the joker. wahhaas xD
-The last person you saw?
I didn't met anione when i am outside today.
-The last person you held hands with?
Sensitive question. nooooooo!
-The last person whom you spent time with?
Mom,goin hougang mall to buy stuff.
-The last person you hated?
I dun hate anione.Infact i love everyone =)
-The last person who was mean to you?
-The last person who was nice to you?
Ehhh,dun remenber.Everyone is nice to mee.
-The last time you ate?
At ang mo kio one coffee shop eat noodles for breakfast (:
-The last time you slept?
Last night,bout 12.45am?
-The last time you used the bathroom?
Not sure.
-The last time you cried?
When i was in primary sku? haha.
-The last time you laughed?
Laughed just a couple of mins ago.Things happened around me seems to be funny.
-The last time you hurt yourself?
I am a careful person.
-The last time that you read?
NONO.I dun read books cuz now holiday,even though some ppl alr start to read nxt yr books..but i don't.
-The last time that you listened to a CD all the way through?
Ehhh,my hse onli have 2 cds.Veri less buy cd =X
-The last time you spent a night over at someone else's house?
Years years ago mayb when i was in p4?
-The last time you spent with a friend?
Last saturday (9dec) wif meiqi and others in orchard.
Tuesday (12dec) wif shariel in vivo.
-The last time you cursed?
I dun remenber.
-The last time you prayed?
I'm a free thinker.
-The last time you wished someone else was dead?
Heyheys.Do u tink i am such a evil person which wished someone else was dead? I will never do dat in my whole life.
-The last time that you wanted more time to do something?
Last saturday (9dec) to mixed wif superstar more x'(
-The last time you played a videogame?
I don't play videogame.
-The last time you watched TV?
I alwaes watch tv.
-The last time you wrote something down on paper?
A few mins ago =)
-The last time you smiled?
I alwaes smile.
-The last time you were truly happy?
Everyday is happi to me.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Went out wif shariel in the afternoon to catch open season in vivo.
Meet in kovan and shariel told me dat she is taking mrt.
So i went in the mrt station and waited for her.
She took wrong mrt..she shld took the mrt which is goin to harbourfront.
But she took the mrt goin to she went out in kovan and she switched.
On the way we chatted along in mrt.
Reached harbourfront; went to vivo.
Brought tickets. (:
And just realised vivo cinema onli have 8 rows..and onli left wif the 3rd row.
So we choose the 3rd row but is still kinda infront but is alrite,atleast is much better than the 1st row [:
And yea..i brought drinks frm 7-11 and kept in my bag.
hehehe. cuz i dun wan too big cup of drinks cuz i dun tink i can finished it.
We watching 2.25pm show..
watching the time is still early ; we went for some shopping.
Look look, walk walk, atually i tink vivo is nth.
hahaha. (:
Is kinda too big.. even find one shop i also need to asked the information area the people for direction..
mayb bcuz dats e 2nd time i went to vivo?
Time is bout to be up; went in.
Show starts.Atfirst is like boring boring and see a big big bear..
but the show gets to be more funny and exciting (:
In the middle of the show i wanted to go to washroom.
Bcuz i am in the 5th chair; my side the 4 ppl they put their legs on other ppl's chair;put popcorns all in the floor; never wear shoes.
And i like dam paiseh to ask them excuse mee.. so i bear wif it.
But time seems to past realli slow lahh! i realli cnt bear animore!!
So i decided to just go for it ..
and guest wad?
they imediately remove their stuff and say sorri..
and the guy sat bside me give me a smile and remove all his stuff.
The rest of 3 girls which is also HIS frens remove their stuff too.
And the good thing is all 4 of them veri veri fast lahh.. so good (:
Thanks lots even though i dunoe u guys (:
After the show..
we went to candy empire and i brought sweets frm dere.
The marshmellow is SUPER NICE .
And after dat went to macs to complete our homework.
Shariel started to copy sec 2 geo notes and do some maths worksht.
And i started to complete nxt yr hand up the maths set 3 algebra.
And i manage to complete half of the algebra paper..
left wif bout 2 and a half page.
After dat we went to mini toons.
Then went home. =)
Sorri i today forget to take camera so no pics were taken todae :(
Saturday, December 09, 2006

meiqi and me

stars sign the big big poster [;
realli sorri bcuz u cnt expect me to have such a clear pic rite? at dat moment veri gan chiong.. but atleast u can see wads happening.

weijian; behind nat.

took tis when nat is goin to the sonicbang big big poster to sign.

singing over.. superstar sweating.

nat hand seem to be like veri scary.. like blue hand but is atually the spotlight lahh ! lol

post post post.

yes! first song they dance (:

sing sing sing. i shout shout shout [;

singing time . lalalalalalas~

jeremy.weijian and nat.

looking at where? haha.



top 6 male contestants.

all of them before they leave.

daniel and michelle.

Yea. michelle,charlotte and averil at the side.

Interview? haha.

top 6 female contestants.

daniel =)

Rock the stage !

yeah ! high high.

bang bang bang; first performance


stars formed by the 5 of us .

A handfone strap brought by meiqi and taiyang [;
Heyheys !
Today is such a fun day hanging out wif meiqi,taiyang,felicia and yunhan.
Meet in kovan at 2pm and meiqi had a veri veri strong stomache.
Once she meet us she went to heartland washroom and felicia followed her.
Then i stay in bus-stop wait for taiyang and the rest.
All reached; took mrt to orchard =)
Atfirst they pahseh me lahs ;(
But after dat we all start to crap a lot in mrt and being silly in public.
In mrt..due to dere is a lot of ppl.
Meiqi they all didn't hold anithing and all is being unbalanced lahs.
Keep on shouting and shouting. [;
Reached orchard..
meiqi they all took ballons for fun lahs !
Like so childish .. dats like for childrens or even small kids.
Soo me and yunhan decided not to take..
they took ballons to tie on their hand.
And yea..a moment later they let go 3 ballons to the sky at the same time xD
We find ways to orchard cineleisure bcuz we simply had no idea on where is it.
Thanks to taiyang who helped to ask people and we found it.
We walked a super long distance to reach orchard cineleisure.
We were wrong atfirst; shld stopped at somerset instead of orchard.
On the way gort a lot of funny stuff we saw lah !
Saw one man painted grey on his face..hand taking one fake birds flying.
I tink he's a model bahh.
He acted out if he's a statues of sth; which attracts ppl walked pass to just stop and have a look.
Kinda scary when i saw and i thought is real one bcuz like real one. [:
And a lot of ppl giving fliers and advertise their stuff..
and for such a kind boi.
I take the fliers but end up in rubbish bin =X
And then we saw one male and female carrying a veri big note of themself which says FREEHUG.
And we all kajiao taiyang to go and sae go have a free hug by a guy or a girl and she is like dam paiseh lah.
hehehes. bad us !
But no one cares bout them cept for the five of us [:
And yea.. on the wae saw a really tall person standing on two long poles crossing the road.
Get the picture? He was just wishing us Merry Christmas.
And we were like just give him a SMILE and we just walk awae.
Went inside followed taiyang and feli to have their lunch.
Meiqi,yunhan and me keep on chit-chatting.
Yunhan is just crappy lahs !
muhahas xD
After dat walked around in cineleisure..
we keep on walking around and is like is not window shopping.
Meiqi and taiyang brought handfone strap and i brought famous-amous cookies (:
And we took neoprints.
Veri veri fun; we start to chat bout how angie fall down and inside is full of our laughing sound.
Went down to food-court to sit down and we start to chat bout pri sku stuff and how is our frens; how we behaved in sku and blahblahs.
Time is bout 6+pm.
Went to the sonicbang stage..
sit down dere and being prepared.
Time is like 6.30pm and u can see the sky is getting darker and darker.
And when the superstar the bus arrived..
everyone stand and they close the light awhile later.
Is gonna start (:
Atmostphere is getting higher and higher.
And dats when e DANIEL came and host.
Everyone shout including me !!
All the complains frm meiqi,yunhan,taiyang,feli all stop in just one moment.
Then first performance..
those ppl use some kinda recycle item and perform
veri veri high can !!!
Is they hit and hit and hit and veri veri loud and gort drum.
They enjoy veri much in the stage lah.
Oh well.
Its time whereby superstar OUTT.!!
I shout and shout and shout =)
Lots of pics taken and yea..
veri veri happi lah.
I am like dam infront and i have close contact wif superstars lah.
Not the first time..
oh yea ! dam happi.
Even though the performance is just like a few minutes..
But i tink is realli worth it and nice (:
Is time whereby i can realli hang out wif frens.
And after dat i follow superstar dunoe go sign those kinda big big sonicbang magazine.
And i took fotos lahs.
And i even met the superstar blogger angie..
she is chatting on the fone ;P
After superstar performance..
follow meiqi they all go 7-11 buy mashpotato.
Meiqi pressed mashpotato button but ended up soup.
And e counter call her go press again..
then meiqi go press end up is also soup
First 2 mashpotato is being TAKEN by felicia and yunhan lah.
out of stock ler -.-
suai suai suai ~
Took mrt,reached kovan, change to bus [:
I am tired.. but i blogged yea (:
Gtg. byebye.
24 dec the superstar roadshow again (: